Entries by Dennis Winge

Mastering Guitar: Enhancing Hand Strength and Dexterity

Mastering the guitar is not just about knowledge; it’s also about physical prowess. Developing hand strength and dexterity is essential for executing complex chords, lightning-fast solos, and intricate fingerpicking patterns. In this blog post, we’ll delve into effective exercises and techniques designed to enhance your finger strength, agility, and overall playing ability. Whether you’re a […]

How to Cut the High Cost of Cheap Guitar Lessons

Yes, you read that correctly. Opting for cheap guitar lessons may seem like a smart financial move, but in the long run, it can end up costing you a significant amount of money and time, not to mention your musical progress. Here’s why: Lack of Proper Training Untrained Instructors Most guitar teachers haven’t received formal […]

Beginner’s Guide to Guitar Types: Finding the Perfect Fit

A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing the Right Guitar As a beginner guitarist, the journey of learning to play the guitar begins with an important decision: choosing the right type of guitar. The world of guitars offers a variety of options, each with its unique characteristics and sound. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll provide you with […]

Refer to This When You’re Feeling Frustrated on Guitar

Embarking on the journey of learning guitar can be both exciting and daunting. Frustrations are inevitable, but how we handle these challenges can significantly influence our progress and enjoyment. Inspired by Carol Dweck’s seminal book, Mindset, this post explores how adopting a growth mindset can transform your guitar learning experience. Fixed Mindset: People with a […]

10 Essential Guitar Chords for Beginners: Building the Foundation

As a beginner guitarist, mastering a few fundamental chords is an essential step toward unlocking the world of music on your instrument. These foundational chords will not only help you play countless songs but also provide you with a solid base to further develop your skills. In this guide, we’ll break down the 10 essential […]

Guide to Accompaning Singers on Guitar

Mastering the Art of Accompanying Vocalists: A Guide for Guitarists Accompanying a singer is a role that carries a unique blend of challenge and reward. As the unsung hero of the performance, you provide the vital musical foundation that allows the vocalist to shine. It’s a responsibility that demands attention to detail and a keen […]

The Art of Transposing Songs for Guitar: A Comprehensive Guide

Imagine finding a song you love, only to discover that it doesn’t quite match your vocal range or musical preferences. That’s where the art of transposing comes in. Transposing a song involves changing its key to better suit your vocal range, accompaniment style, or personal taste. In this blog post, we’ll explore the valuable skill […]

Expanding Horizons: The Joys of Progressing on Guitar

I wanted to take a moment to share the incredible journey I’ve been on recently. As I continue to progress on the guitar, I’m finding that the world of musical opportunities is expanding in ways I hadn’t imagined. From solo gigs to collaborations, each experience brings its own unique charm and energy. Let’s delve into […]

Stretches for Guitar Players

Greetings, fellow guitar enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into a crucial aspect of guitar playing that’s often overlooked: flexibility and tension control. These stretches are designed to keep your fingers nimble and your arms supple, ensuring that you can play with ease and precision. Consistent practice of these exercises will help prevent injury and enhance your […]

Standard Notation for Guitar

Music notation is the universal language that allows musicians to communicate, create, and perform intricate melodies and harmonies. While tablature (tabs) is commonly used by guitarists, understanding standard music notation opens up a wealth of musical knowledge and possibilities. In this blog post, we’ll embark on a journey into the world of standard notation for […]

Improvisation Wisdom from Dizzy Gillespie, part 1

Today, we’re diving into a nugget of wisdom straight from the legendary Dizzy Gillespie, a true icon of jazz music. In the DVD “A Night in Havana,” Dizzy shares a simple yet profoundly effective tip that can transform the way you approach improvisation.  The clip is at 1:02:28 in the video which is on YouTube. […]

10 Iconic Guitar Riffs Every Player Should Know

Great guitar riffs have the power to transcend time, captivating generations of music enthusiasts with their unforgettable melodies. As a guitarist, immersing yourself in these iconic riffs not only pays homage to the legends but also deepens your understanding of guitar techniques and creativity. In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of 10 legendary […]

Guitar Maintenance and Care: Preserving Your Musical Companion’s Longevity

Your guitar is not just an instrument; it’s a creative outlet, a source of inspiration, and a loyal companion on your musical journey. To ensure that your guitar continues to sing with clarity and resonance, proper maintenance and care are essential. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the art of guitar maintenance, offering advice […]

Exploring Open Tunings and their Creative Potential

Open tunings are like secret doors into uncharted musical territories, inviting guitarists to explore unique sounds and create fresh sonic landscapes. Unlike standard tuning, where the strings are tuned to the pitches E, A, D, G, B, and E, open tunings involve altering the strings to create a new chord when played without fretting. In […]

Musical Styles from Around the World

Embarking on a musical voyage across the globe unveils a spectrum of rhythms, melodies, and harmonies that celebrate the diversity of cultural expressions. This blog post explores a myriad of musical genres from every corner of the world, presenting classic and modern examples that resonate with enthusiasts and new listeners alike. From the intricate beats […]

Mastering Barre Chords on Guitar Tips

Barre chords are a rite of passage for every guitarist. While they can be intimidating at first, mastering barre chords opens up a world of possibilities for playing a wide range of chords and songs. This technique involves using a single finger to press down multiple strings across the fretboard, creating a movable chord shape. […]

Find Your Unique Musical Voice on Guitar, part 4

In parts 1 to 3 we explored ear training, rhythm/ timing, technique, music theory, sight-reading & emotional expression.  Now for the final part in the series we will address the remaining important skills necessary to achieve a clear expression of your unique voice on the guitar.   Collaboration and Ensemble Skills Musicians often play with […]

Find Your Unique Musical Voice on Guitar, part 3

In parts 1 & 2, we addressed the skills of ear training, technique, & rhythm / timing.  We will focus on music theory, sight-reading, and emotional expression here in part 3. Music Theory Understanding music theory provides a framework for comprehending how music is structured and allows musicians to make informed choices in their playing, […]

Find Your Unique Musical Voice on Guitar, part 2

In part 1, we discussed how, in order to develop your own unique voice on guitar, it’s actually good to imitate your heroes.  This is because, in the process of copying them, you will inevitably come across nuances of rhythm and technique that you have to study more deeply.  What are some of the other […]

Find Your Unique Musical Voice on Guitar, part 1

Once I heard the singer Jai Uttal respond to a fan who had said “I want to learn to sing like you.”  Jai said (paraphrasing) “oh that’s too bad, I think you should learn to sing like yourself.”  How do you teach guitarists to sound like themselves?  How can you help them find their own […]

Once You’re In, You’re in for Life, part 2

Practice opportunities follow you everywhere you go.  Do you notice them? Last month we discussed the ‘when’ part of musicianship and discovered that opportunities to practice music go way beyond the confines of the practice room.  We explored practicing The Big Three: melody, harmony, and rhythm.  This month discover versatile methods to practice music theory, […]

Improving Your Musicianship Beyond the Practice Room

Improving your musicianship is a quest that permeates nearly every aspect of your life. This is our fourth article in the series.  The first, “So You’ve Got Talent, Now What?” was about ‘what’ musicianship is.  The next, “Who Cares About Your Musicianship Anyway?” was about ‘why’ to develop it.  The third, “You Can’t Hear What […]

You Can’t Hear What You Can’t Hear: Making Progress on the Guitar

As a guitarist, it’s good to think that you’re good at what you do.  If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have the courage to face all the obstacles that come your way when it comes to performing, recording, writing and all the other things musicians do.  It’s also good that you work on strengthening your weaknesses.  […]

Who Cares About Your Musicianship, Anyway?

Who cares about musicianship? While non-musicians might prioritize entertainment, developing musicianship is crucial for the artist. Here’s why:   I. Who cares? The average audience doesn’t care how much technical prowess you have on your instrument.  Only other musicians do.  Even then, unless the musician listening plays that same instrument and in that same style, […]

So, You’ve Got Talent. Now What?

What really is musicianship and how do you develop it?  Musicianship is defined as the knowledge, skill, and artistic sensitivity in performing music.  How can you really know how much you have?  How do you develop it?  How do you use it real life? I. A Contradiction? When I was 15, I thought I had […]

Welcome to the Guitar Lessons Ithaca Blog – Unleash Your Guitar Potential!

Hello fellow guitar enthusiasts and aspiring musicians.  Welcome to the Guitar Lessons Ithaca blog! We are thrilled to launch this platform and provide you with great guitar content that will not only elevate your playing but also ensure you have a blast along the way. Whether you’re a beginner, an intermediate player, or looking to […]