Rhythm Map

16th notes

groupings of 16

65536 combinations total

0 notes per bar = 1 combination: 0

1 note per bar = 16 combinations: 1 to 16

2 notes per bar = 119 combinations: 17 to 135

3 notes per bar = 561 combinations: 136 to 696

4 notes per bar = 1820 combinations: 697 to 2516

5 notes per bar = 4368 combinations: 2517 to 6884

6 notes per bar = 8008 combinations: 6885 to 14892

7 notes per bar = 11440 combinations: 14893 to 26332

8 notes per bar = 12870 combinations: 26333 to 39202

9 notes per bar = 11440 combinations: 39203 to 50642

10 notes per bar = 8008 combinations: 50643 to 58650

11 notes per bar = 4368 combinations: 58651 to 63018

12 notes per bar = 1820 combinations: 63019 to 64838

13 notes per bar = 561 combinations: 64839 to 65398

14 notes per bar = 119 combinations: 65399 to 65518

15 notes per bar = 16 combinations: 65519 to 65534

16 notes per bar = 1 combination: 65535

using the metronome to help with 16th notes

overview of 16th note combinations

making up your own 16th note rhythms

more training on 16ths

how to use the combinations of 16s below

even more training on 16ths