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Student Long-Term Goals & Planning
volume 7
I. New Year Address:
“Extreme Ownership”
blogs referenced:
blogs referenced:
Extreme Ownership in Music
blogs referenced:
Own the Music!
make it a great year 7 - extreme ownership (1)
make it a great year 7 - extreme ownership (2)
make it a great year 7 - extreme ownership (3)
extreme ownership notes
II. Long-Term Goals and Planning Session
long-term musical goals and practicing strategy
student long-term planning and goal setting 1
student long-term planning and goal setting 2
student long-term planning and goal setting 3
student long-term planning and goal setting 4
student long-term planning and goal setting 5
student long-term planning and goal setting 6
student long-term planning and goal setting 7
student long-term planning and goal setting 8
student long-term planning and goal setting 9
student long-term planning and goal setting 10
student long-term planning and goal setting 11
Extreme Ownership in Music
Understanding Tonic, Subdominant, and Dominant Chords
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