Stretches for Guitar Playing: Enhance Flexibility and Control Tension

Greetings fellow guitar enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into a crucial aspect of guitar playing that’s often overlooked: flexibility and tension control. These stretches are designed to keep your fingers nimble and your arms supple, ensuring that you can play with ease and precision.  Remember, consistency is key. Aim to do each stretch three times, holding for ten seconds each, with a four-second rest in between. Let’s get started!

1. Finger Stretch

Method: Place your hands together in a prayer position, keeping the top parts of your fingers glued together. Gradually separate your palms while maintaining the connection between the top parts of your fingers.

2. Lower Forearm Stretch

Method: Begin in the prayer position, close to your chest. Gradually lower your hands until you reach your limit. Your fingers can point inward. Hold this position for ten seconds.

3. Thumb Stretch

Method: Bring both thumbs together and find a comfortable spot for the stretch.

4. Upper Forearm Stretch

Method: Extend one arm straight out, and let your hand fall naturally. With your other hand, gently pull your fingers inward while keeping your arm straight. For added depth, place your thumb underneath and gently push down.

5. Picking Hand Bicep Stretch

Method: Extend your arm straight out to the side, and then swing it back. Simultaneously, turn your neck and head in the opposite direction.

6. Chicken Wing Stretch

Method: Place your picking hand behind your head, and with your other hand, gently pull it downward.

7. Forearm Stretch (Alternate Method)

Method: Extend your arm straight out and let your hand drop naturally. Use your other hand’s thumb to gently push your fingers away from your body.

8. Clothesline Stretch

Method: Extend your arm out, as if you were hanging laundry on a clothesline. Then, gently push it back. Turn your head in the opposite direction for an added twist.

9. Chicken Wing Variation

Method: Repeat the chicken wing stretch, this time focusing on one arm at a time.

10. Micro Movement Drill

Method: Draw super small manic back-and-forth lines, and challenge yourself by creating a smiley face. Keep the movements tiny and lightning-fast. Engage your elbow, bicep, and tricep for maximum benefit.

Remember, these stretches are not just about physical flexibility, but also about relaxing tension. Incorporate them into your practice routine, and you’ll notice a significant improvement in your playing comfort and precision.

Stay limber!

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