9, & 13 voicings – major, dominant, & minor – all shapes
the two most common 9th chords to learn
demonstration of all types of 9th chords in 1 position
ex: | Gadd9 | Gmaj9 | Am9 | D9 |
explanation of add9 vs. maj9
diatonic extensions to major harmonized scale
I maj9, maj13
II min9, min13
III min(b9) (or 1st inversion I add9 chord), min(b9,b13) (or 3rd inversion IV maj13sus2 chord)
IV maj9, maj13
V 9, 13
VI min9, min(9, b13)
VII min7b5(b9) (or 3rd inversion I maj13 chord), min7b5(b9,b13) (or 3rd inversion I maj13 chord)