
Part 1

introduction to the modes

Find the “E” shape key of C

1. Play the major scale fingering of your choice from the lowest “1” and ascend through the scale all the way up to the highest note in the fingering, then descend to the lowest note, then asend to the “1” that you started on.

play | C | G | a few times (ending on C) and then improvise on the scale.

This is the Ionian mode, and c is the tonic note. Describe in a few words what mood it conjures up for you here:

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2. Play the major scale fingering of your choice from the lowest “2” and ascend through the scale all the way up to the highest note in the fingering, then descend to the lowest note, then asend to the “2” that you started on.

play | Dm | G | a few times (ending on Dm) and then improvise on the scale.

This is the Dorian mode, and d is the tonic note. Describe in a few words what mood it conjures up for you here:

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3. Play the major scale fingering of your choice from the lowest “3” and ascend through the scale all the way up to the highest note in the fingering, then descend to the lowest note, then asend to the “3” that you started on.

play | Em | F | a few times (ending on Em) and then improvise on the scale.

This is the Phrygian mode, and e is the tonic note. Describe in a few words what mood it conjures up for you here:

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4. Play the major scale fingering of your choice from the lowest “4” and ascend through the scale all the way up to the highest note in the fingering, then descend to the lowest note, then asend to the “4” that you started on.

play | F | % | a few times (ending on F) and then improvise on the scale.

This is the Lydian mode, and f is the tonic note. Describe in a few words what mood it conjures up for you here:

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5. Play the major scale fingering of your choice from the lowest “5” and ascend through the scale all the way up to the highest note in the fingering, then descend to the lowest note, then asend to the “5” that you started on.

play | G | Dm | a few times (ending on G) and then improvise on the scale.

This is the Mixolydian mode, and g is the tonic note. Describe in a few words what mood it conjures up for you here:

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6. Play the major scale fingering of your choice from the lowest “6” and ascend through the scale all the way up to the highest note in the fingering, then descend to the lowest note, then asend to the “6” that you started on.

play | Am | Dm | a few times (ending on Am) and then improvise on the scale.

This is the Aeolian mode, and a is the tonic note. Describe in a few words what mood it conjures up for you here:

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7. Play the major scale fingering of your choice from the lowest “7” and ascend through the scale all the way up to the highest note in the fingering, then descend to the lowest note, then asend to the “7” that you started on.

play | Bm7b5 | % | a few times (ending on Bm7b5) and then improvise on the scale. Bm7b5 can be played as x2323x.

This is the Locrian mode, and b is the tonic note. Describe in a few words what mood it conjures up for you here:

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Intro to Modes from Music Theory Class

Intro to Modes from Live Class, part 1

Intro to Modes from Live Class, part 2

Intro to Modes from Live Class, part 3

Intro to Modes from Live Class, part 4

Modal Backing Tracks – use key of D for all