Basic Mechanics

Summary of good mechanics:

  • sit up straight
  • feet flat on floor
  • guitar not titled upwards
  • thumb halfway up neck, behind finger 2, pressing only lightly
  • pick / strum softly
  • the fingers not holding the pick keep a ‘loose curl’ in picking hand

4-Finger Exercise

4-finger combinations

1. 1234
2. 1243
3. 1324
4. 1342
5. 1423
6. 1432
7. 2134
8. 2143
9. 2314
10. 2341
11. 2413
12. 2431
13. 3124
14. 3142
15. 3214
16. 3241
17. 3412
18. 3421
19. 4123
20. 4132
21. 4213
22. 4231
23. 4312
24. 4321

see Andre Tonelli YouTube “guitar exercise that changed my life”